Thursday, February 25, 2016

Will Obama Push a Politician for the Supreme Court?

Will Obama Push a Politician for the Supreme Court?-nationaljournal: Nevada Gov. Bri­an San­dov­al might be the only real con­tender to bring polit­ic­al ex­per­i­ence back to the Su­preme Court.  The White House is vet­ting San­dov­al, the mod­er­ate Re­pub­lic­an gov­ernor of Nevada, as a po­ten­tial nom­in­ee to re­place the late Justice Ant­on­in Scalia, The Wash­ing­ton Post first re­por­ted Wed­nes­day. He’s an at­tract­ive can­did­ate in many ways. Nom­in­at­ing a Re­pub­lic­an would put the Sen­ate GOP in a bind, yet San­dov­al is lib­er­al enough on key so­cial is­sues that he might be ac­cept­able to Demo­crats. He’s His­pan­ic and a former judge who ap­par­ently wants to re­turn to the bench.