Friday, September 17, 2010

2012 hopefuls to slam Barack

2012 hopefuls to slam Barack The tough rhetoric of the 2012 Republican presidential primary season will get a tryout Friday when former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) slam President Barack Obama at the Family Research Council’s “Values Voters Summit.”

House Dems Eye 1099

House Dems Eye 1099 Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle hate an onerous tax-reporting requirement in the health care reform law.

The 'Tea Party' Gears up for

The 'Tea Party' Gears up for The playbook for winning the Republican presidential nomination begins with a set of inviolable rules: Start early, raise millions, build an organization, and trudge across the country seeking the blessing of mayors and money men.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gov't: Spending to Rise Under Health Care

Gov't: Spending to Rise Under Health Care The nation's health care tab will go up - not down - as a result of President Barack Obama's sweeping overhaul. That's the conclusion of a government forecast released Thursday, which also finds the increase will be modest.

Health Plan Won't Fuel Big Spending, Report Says-New York

Health Plan Won't Fuel Big Spending, Report Says-New York A new government study says President Obama’s health care law will have negligible effects on total national health spending in the next 10 years, neither slowing nor fueling the explosive growth of medical costs.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boxer and Fiorina in a Dead Heat - Rasmussen Reports™

Boxer and Fiorina in a Dead Heat - Rasmussen Reports: "The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters, including leaners, shows Fiorina picking up 48% of the vote, while Boxer draws support from 47%. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, and three percent (3%) remain undecided."

Midterms 2010: What You Need to

Midterms 2010: What you need to
Which party will win control of the House and Senate in November? Republicans have the momentum heading into the post-Labor Day crunch, as the GOP has neutralized Democratic advantages on the issues, President Obama's ratings have faded, and dissatisfaction with the government now surpasses its 1994 levels. Seventy-two percent of voters disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job, a 16-year high.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Senate's In Play - Cook Report

National Journal Magazine - The Senate's In Play: "Of the 18 competitive Senate races (this number doesn't include Vitter, Burr, or the seat in West Virginia), Republicans would need to win 16 to secure a majority, and certainly logic suggests that the odds of achieving this would be long in any remotely normal year. But the operative term is "in a normal year," which this is most certainly not"