Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Democrats Vow SCOTUS War, But Face Limited Options

Democrats Vow SCOTUS War, But Face Limited Options-nationaljournal: Sen­ate Demo­crats have few cards to play in the battle over the Su­preme Court now that Re­pub­lic­ans have flatly ruled out even con­sid­er­ing Pres­id­ent Obama’s choice to re­place the late Justice Ant­on­in Scalia. Demo­crats are slam­ming the de­cision and fram­ing their mes­sage largely around charges of GOP ob­struc­tion as they try to get Re­pub­lic­ans to back down—and pay a polit­ic­al price for thwart­ing Obama. The par­tis­an show­down over the high court moved in­to a new phase Tues­day.