Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Jeb Bush’s Obamacare Replacement Has a “Cadillac Tax” Of Its Own

Jeb Bush’s Obamacare Replacement Has a “Cadillac Tax” Of Its Own-nationaljournal: Jeb Bush wants to do away with the Af­ford­able Care Act’s “Ca­dillac tax”, a cost-con­trol meas­ure that slaps a tax on the most ex­pens­ive health be­ne­fits and is a top Obama­care re­peal tar­get for Demo­crats and Re­pub­lic­ans alike. Bush, like the rest of the 2016 GOP pres­id­en­tial field, doesn’t want to stop at the Ca­dillac tax: He wants to strike down the law com­pletely.