Monday, April 29, 2013

Hospital Inpatient Proposed Rule Phases In Some Pay Cuts, But Hospitals Dislike DSH Calculation

Hospital Inpatient Proposed Rule Phases In Some Pay Cuts, But Hospitals Dislike DSH Calculation-insidehealthpolicy: CMS late Friday (April 26) proposed increasing pay rates for hospital inpatient services by 0.8 percent in 2014, a move that drew praise from hospitals as CMS moderated some of the pay cuts recently pushed by Congress, including offsets for the short-term physician payment patch included in the January fiscal cliff deal. But hospitals objected to several other pieces of the rule: Public hospitals said CMS undestimated the costs of providing care to the uninsured; specialty hospitals said the readmissions policy punishes hospitals in poor neighborhoods; and long-term care hospitals complained that the rule subjects them to the “25 percent rule.”