Tuesday, December 4, 2012

House GOP Eyes 'Range Of Options' To Cut $600B In Health Care But Mum On Details

House GOP Eyes 'Range Of Options' To Cut $600B In Health Care But Mum On Details-insidehealthpolicy: House Republicans propose to cut $600 billion from health care as a part of a Dec. 3 “fiscal cliff” counteroffer to the president that is based on former fiscal commission co-chair Erskine Bowles' testimony last year to the “super committee,” during which the former Clinton White House chief of staff urged lawmakers to consider raising the Medicare eligibility age but otherwise offered no specifics. Boehner spokesperson Michael Steel told Inside Health Policy “there are a range of options” on how to get to the $600 billion in health care savings, including changes to the Affordable Care Act, though he would not elaborate on detail