Friday, February 6, 2009

Key Senators Want No Delay On Healthcare System Reform-National Journal Congress Daily

Key Senators Want No Delay On Healthcare System Reform-National Journal CongressDaily:
'The two most powerful senators on healthcare issues wrote President Obama Thursday to reaffirm their desire to pass a comprehensive overhaul of the nation's healthcare system this year.Some lawmakers have suggested that completion of an overhaul that would provide universal coverage could slip to next year -- an idea that gained traction this week when former Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., relinquished his nomination to serve as HHS secretary.
"Incremental efforts will no longer suffice and we cannot afford to wait any longer," wrote Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus and Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Edward Kennedy. "With your continued leadership and commitment, we remain certain that our goal of enacting comprehensive healthcare reform can be accomplished this year."
The three-paragraph letter did not provide any detail on how to achieve the goal, but it did suggest a new HHS secretary nomination needs to happen quickly.'